Important Fings

A page with a circled battle map outlining the initial Goblin raid on Sandpoint precedes the following entry.


The raid went about as planned.  Few Thistletop Goblins perished, and we were able to secure Robyn’s casket with ease with the rubes were distracted by the rest.  I can’t wait until the real raid.  This town deserves a burning, that’s for sure.

A second batch of maps outline possible large-scale future raids proceed the following entry.

Ripnugget seems to favor the overwhelming land approach, but I don’t think it’s the best plan.  We should get the quasit’s aid.  Send her freaks up from below via the smuggling tunnel in my father’s Glassworks, and then invade from the river and from the Glassworks in smaller but more focused strikes.  The rest except Bruthazmus agree, and  I’m pretty sure the bugbear’s just being contrary to annoy me.  My love is too distracted with the lower chambers to make a decision.  Says that once Malfeshnekor is released and under her command, we won’t need to worry about being subtle. I hope she’s right.

An illustration  of his Nualia, the adopted daughter of the late Father Ezakien Tobyn, as a succubus, proceeds the following entry:

My love seems bent on going through with it-nothing I can say convinces her of her beauty.  She remains obsessed with removing what she calls her “celestial taint” and replacing it with her Mother’s grace.  Burning her father’s remains at Thistletop shrine seems to have started the transformation, but I can’t say her new hand is pleasing to me.  Hopefully when she offers Sandpoint to Lamasthu’s fires, her new body won’t be as hideous.   Maybe I’ll luck out.

Succumb are demons too, aren’t they?

Hello, sis!

I hope this letter finds you well, and with some free time on your hands, because we’ve got something of a problem.  It’s to do with father.  Seems that he might have had something to do with Sandpoint’s recent troubles with the goblins, and I didn’t want to bring the matter to the authorities because we both know he’d just weasel his way out of it.  You’ve got some pull here in town, though.  If you can meet e at the Glassworks at midnight tonight, maybe we can figure out how to make sure he faces the punishment he deserves. Knock twice and then three times more and then once more at the delivery entrance and I’ll let you in.


In any case, I don’t have to empress upon you the delicate nature of this request.  If news got out, you know these local rubes would assume that you and I were in on the whole thing too don’t you?  They’ve got no honor at all around these parts.  I still don’t understand how you can stand to stay here.


Anyway, don’t tell anyone about this.  There are other complications as well, ones I’d rather talk to you in person about tonight. Don’t be late.

